Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome Home Daddy!

Eric got made it home safely on Monday from a three week TDY...yay!! We went grocery shopping on Sunday and Leah asked if we could make Daddy a cake...a PINK cake. Heck yeah! The girls had a great time decorating the cake and did a surprisingly good job with the sprinkles (I was expecting them to all be dropped within one square inch on the cake). We also colored a welcome home sign. Leah knew he was going to be home while she was sleeping, and she asked me to have Daddy wake her up when she got home. In God's wonderful timing, Eric came upstairs just as Leah was going back to bed from her potty break. I heard the joyful reunion, and Eric came in the room on cloud 9! He said Leah's feet started running in place before she was able to move and then she screamed, "Daddy!" (Actually I'm surprised that she didn't wake Aine up). We hope you're have a great week too!

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