Friday, March 18, 2011

Yummy Snack

I gave the girls some veggies and guacamole dip last week, and I knew how that was going to be received: Aine would dive right in and Leah would give me attitude. Neither diasappointed me. When I gave it to Aine she looked at it, then studied which to choose first. I WAS surprised that she chose a radish first. She really liked it and ended up eating them all :)

Now with Leah it went over (like my Dad always says) like a fart in a spacesuit. She immediately requested some chips to replace the veggies. When I told her no she sulked for a bit.

Here's the sequence:
"I want chips!"
"Well, it does look pretty good"...
"I do like cucumber, so I'll eat that...but I won't smile"...
"Mmmm, not bad"...
"Maybe I will have some more"...

You should have seen Aine's sleeve when she was done (I forgot to roll it up first).

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