The girls decided that Karen and John needed to have their hair brushed...

There's a great restaurant near Little Rock called Cotham's. It's an old general store, and the building is on stilts on a creek. It looks like a dump, but the food is reeaaalllly good. Best fried green tomatoes I've ever had!

Here we are in Memphis. The girls cooled down with a snowball.

The girls finished up dinner early and decided to get on stage and start dancing. Leah stood in front of the fan and just let her hair blow back!!

Kisses for Grandma

Pimpin' in the Peabody robes...

Enjoying an old-school trolley ride.

We visited the hotel where Martin Luther King Jr was shot. When we turned the corner it looked like we'd stepped into a time warp. Everything was as it was on that day.

The ducks' fancy fountain and the red carpet they walk down to get to it. They are kept in their own place up on the roof until 11 at which time they come down the elevator and march down the red carpet, climb the stairs and get into the fountain. At 5 PM they exit the fountain and go back onto the roof.
We got to see the ducks make their entrance/exit 3 times while we were there. We got lucky one morning and got to sit right alongside the red carpet right where the ducks climb the steps to get into the fountain. "du, du, du" as Aine says

Staying hydrated out on Beale street

Leah was fascinated by this guy both nights. She wanted to see him and give him a dollar, but once she did she turned into a shy girl...

The ducks' home away from the fountain. We saw two eggs...

On the roof...Leah isn't in the picture because she would NOT take a picture that day. Argh!

Back at Little Rock I made dinner and set off the smoke detector (although I really didn't burn anything...it was something in the oven that was smoking. That's my story at least...). The firemen apparently didn't get the message that it was a false alarm. They showed up ready to put out a fire. ooops!
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