Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Role"-y Poley Girl and Hanley Visit

We had a great visit with Karen and John last week (Leah was definitely loving the extra attention...and I appreciated the extra help!).  Poor Eric had a project at work that kept him pretty busy and unable to take leave. 

Aine had two milestones this week: she rolled over from her tummy to her back and then a week later rolled from her back to tummy! Yeah Aine! She's starting to scoot around a little too :)

Here she is scooting out of her car seat ;)

Kisses for Daddy...

She sucks her thumb to fall's too cute!
The weather was great, and there was just enough chill in the air to enjoy a fire.

On the choo-choo at the Destin Commons.....

Hugging the giant stuffed bear at Harry Ts...
Unfortunately Leah wasn't too cooperative for this photo....

Helping Leah color...

1 comment:

The Horines said...

Wow, Aine's getting so big, Dani! Got your message today...but my phone died, so will call tomorrow and catch up! Give Leah a big kiss for us (well, and Aine too!)