Hi all! Leah and I returned home this week from a fun visit to NY. We had a great time, and it was really nice spending Easter with family. We went to Michelle and Steve's house for a fantastic spread...and this was after the kids had their egg hunt. Leah had a BLAST looking for eggs. In fact when they had all been discovered, we just took a couple out of her basket when she wasn't looking and rehid them (in plain view of course). It was adorable to watch! We also got to spend some time with Leah's great grandmother, Mama Jama...including getting a picture of her with all her great grandchildren! Brian had us all over for pizza (yummy!) and Leah got to spend some time with Faitra...who was like a little mommy to her. I got to hold Sheila and Jim's newest edition, Claire, who is just beautiful...I forgot Leah was ever that small!! I was able to go into NYC on Monday and had lunch with two cousins I hadn't seen in years (Patrick and Kate). I am so mad at myself for forgetting to take a picture (even though I brought my camera for that sole purpose...argh@). But as nice as the trip was, it was fabulous to get back and sleep in my own bed...I love you Tempur-Pedic!!! Seriously... I love you!
Jama with the cousins:

with the cousins on Easter (this was right after we arrived, so Leah was still a little hesitant...can you tell by the body language?)

It's been a while since I've done this, but I think the stickers are supposed to go on the eggs...?

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