I just got back today from a week plus stay down in WPB. Aside from the long drive (and the cat throwing up in the truck...twice) it was a great visit. Leah and I were able to see lots of family and even ran into some high school/college friends at the Wellington mall...small world!
Dad and Kate threw me and Al a birthday party which was a fun time :) Donna came to surprise Al for his birthday, so it was a treat to see her and finally meet her beautiful daughter, Liza.
Leah was hesitant to go in the pool at first, but once she was in she loved it. She had fun going up and down the pool steps over and over and...over again :)
We also went to Palm Beach where an Art Gallery had a "petting zoo" on its beautiful garden grounds. Leah DEFINITELY was hesitant at first but eventually was coaxed into petting some animals. In fact she almost blinded a baby duck trying to point out its eye. Fortunately the animal handler was pretty quick and no harm was done.
Al and Janice also hosted us last weekend. It was a wonderful opportunity to see my mom, Rob, Aunt Linda, Donna, Liza and (of course) Al and Janice. It was a great visit, but it went too quickly.
We also went to Butterfly World, but I think Leah was a little too young to fully appreciate it...but I'd never been there before and it was really neat. She came face to face with lots of butterlies, birds and flowers.
Fair warning: I attached quite a few pictures...
having a wet noodle fight with my dad..

at the petting 'zoo'...

a baby bunny..."hop!"

pointing out the duck's eye (because we didn't know where it was)...

petting a frisky goat...

debating the pool...

helping dad strum the guitar...

the beautiful flowers Eric sent me for my birthday...so sweet!! I think I'll keep him :)

In my new maternity bathing suit that Aunt Sharon and I went to about 6 stores to finally find...

Leah wanted all of us to wear her glasses...although they looked the funniest on my dad :)

Aunt Sharon, cousin Jillian, Leah and I...

Leah with baby Liza

birthday 'royalty'

family picture:

Jillian and Leah hugging

with my mom...

Donna, Rob, mom, Al, Janice, Aunt Sharon and Jillian (unfortunately I didn't think to take it until after Liza was down for her nap)...

Leah and Jillian broke into the ice cooler and were sucking on the ice...they LOVED it! (In fact when I got ice at the hotel last night, she was so excited and swiped a couple pieces)

mom, my brother Rob, Leah and I

relaxing and watching Sesame Street

Not having any fun in the pool...

she was fascinated with the mechanical fish...

The butterfly is at the very bottom...the lowest piece of red in the pic...

There's a yellow butterfly on the red flower. She tried to reach for it and it flew off...

A hummingbird drinking nectar...

it was hot...so we took time out for ice cream :)

stopping to smell the roses with Pop-Pop...

The bird started on my dad's hand then decided to climb up his arm, perched on his shoulder for a bit and then onto his head....

Leah and Jillian in the pool of balls in the nursery at Aunt Sharon's church