Saturday, December 20, 2008

Children's Christmas Party

Leah and I went to Eric's squadron this morning for the Children's Party.  It was fun.  They had food, drinks, decorations and crafts set up.  Leah made a reindeer antler hat, which she helped me decorate with foam stickers.  I couldn't get a shot of her in it because she was NOT a fan of having it on her head and would immediately take it off.  Oh well.  Then the big event:  Santa's arrival on the MC-130P!  Eric volunteered to be on the crew who taxied Santa in and was able to see the gaggle...I mean group of us...from a pretty cool perspective.   Leah would only keep one earplug in, so I had to cover her other ear with my hand, that while trying to get video of the plane.  I think most of the video is pretty shaky and erratic :).  Unfortunately since the squadron had a crew there and ready to fly, Eric had to stay and fly a mission...on a Saturday...cutting short the crew's time spent with their children at the Children's party!  And they wonder why morale is so low!!    Oh well.  Overall it was a great time!

All the kids waiting patiently for their names to be called
Santa was driven off the back of the plane and came to us like this...
I was holding her when the plane taxied in, and I turned the camera around to snap a shot of her expression.  This is the closest to center I got...

Leah dancing with the other kids...
Santa waving from atop the C-130
Opening up her gift from Santa. She was very meticulous.  She'd rip off a small piece of paper and then hand it to Eric, then rip another piece and give that to him.  Very methodical...
Eric said, "I think Christmas morning is going to take a really long time!" :)

We were hopeful she might sit on Santa's lap since she wasn't crying YET and she had waved back to him...but... 
Things went downhill from here...

Sitting in Eric's seat.  Of course she wanted to grab the controls and "drive" it like a car :)

Santa and his crew...

Sadly, this is the best picture with Santa this year!

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