Leah and I went to Eric's squadron this morning for the Children's Party. It was fun. They had food, drinks, decorations and crafts set up. Leah made a reindeer antler hat, which she helped me decorate with foam stickers. I couldn't get a shot of her in it because she was NOT a fan of having it on her head and would immediately take it off. Oh well. Then the big event: Santa's arrival on the MC-130P! Eric volunteered to be on the crew who taxied Santa in and was able to see the gaggle...I mean group of us...from a pretty cool perspective. Leah would only keep one earplug in, so I had to cover her other ear with my hand, that while trying to get video of the plane. I think most of the video is pretty shaky and erratic :). Unfortunately since the squadron had a crew there and ready to fly, Eric had to stay and fly a mission...on a Saturday...cutting short the crew's time spent with their children at the Children's party! And they wonder why morale is so low!! Oh well. Overall it was a great time!
All the kids waiting patiently for their names to be called
Santa was driven off the back of the plane and came to us like this...
I was holding her when the plane taxied in, and I turned the camera around to snap a shot of her expression. This is the closest to center I got...

Leah dancing with the other kids...

Santa waving from atop the C-130

Opening up her gift from Santa. She was very meticulous. She'd rip off a small piece of paper and then hand it to Eric, then rip another piece and give that to him. Very methodical...
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