Friday, August 29, 2008

Secret Agent Man

Greetings all, here is a few pictures from my first trip as an Air Force One Advance agent. The trip was amazing and I got to see A LOT! The Presidential aircraft (as you can imagine) are AWESOME! Everyone I met were very professional and a pleasure to work with. The navigator gave myself and the other agents family a great tour of the 747 and I got to sit in the pilot seat...yeah it was cool! Over all I feel very blessed to have this opportunity and am looking forward to future travel with this team! If you'd like to see more on Air Force One and see most of the guys I met on this trip check out the History channel and look for the special that aired on 25 Aug entitled Air Force One, it is extremely accurate and the jet you'll see is the one I was on.
Hope you all enjoy!

This is a suspension bridge in Waco Texas that was initially built in 1846 and our hotel is in the background.

Da & Bob, I thought you might like to see this. This memorial sits on the river bank that the above bridge spans.

I'm on the right helping taxi "the Man" into parking.

Again, I'm on the right waiting for the motor pool to arrive. This is my position for arrival and departure.

It's show can feel the tension in the air!

One of my the driver of the stair truck.

"The Man" off to Orlando!

Here I'm taxiing the jet in to stage it for departure. The flight engineers of Air Force One can taxi the airplane when needed.

Some view huh?!

HMX Marine One

I thought this was pretty cool...note the sign infront of the helo.

Me again on the I clean up well hah!

This was the first time I saw the jet up close and this was just after our tour.

The other guy I worked with and his family.

This is the 757 the VP and others normally use. It is also used as a spare if the 747 breaks.

Here I'm taxiing the jet in for the first time.

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