We took a trip to the Gulfarium the day after Leah's party while my dad, Kate, John and Karen were in town. I can't believe we've lived here for 7 years and haven't yet gone. It was fun, and they had some impressive animal shows. They had a dolphin show, a sea lion one and a "multispecies" show...which was a sea lion and dolphin together. My favorite was the dolphin show. Man are they smart!
Later that night we all went over to the B&B my dad and Kate were staying at and hung out on the beautiful back porch right on the Soundside. It was a very Southern style back porch and even had the bench swing. We celebrated Leah's birthday and having family in town by drinking the wine dad had given me for Christmas a couple years ago. He gave me my "birthday" wine which was a bordeaux from my birth year...1975. It was really good, and I'm so glad we enjoyed it with such good company! Leah then took her first walk in the ocean (well technically the Soundside...which was better because it's more calm). It was so cute!

Dad got her an ice cream...which she thoroughly enjoyed.
At the B&B...
While at the B&B, a little boy..relieving himself...on a palm tree. Right out in the open for all to see!

Travel day. John and Karen brought her a NY Yankees shirt which we left on for dad (Red Sox fan) to enjoy!
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