Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Home sweet home

Leah is four months now (on 30 Sept), and it's gone by so fast! She's enjoying sleeping in her own crib again and is determined to explore it. I put her to bed in one place and find her the next morning somewhere completely different. She's usually rolled herself over too. She seems to enjoy our evening walks and is fascinated watching the trees and houses go by...her feet definitely entertain her too :)


tara said...

Very cute baby!! So adorable,
Best of luck to you guys !!!
Tara Ryan (Keida)

Lin Eginton said...

Hi Danielle...I am so glad you succumbed to this blog idea - knowing how difficult it is to see you, Eric and LEAH (see it really is the baby I want to see) whoops, did I just say that? - Everyone looks so happy - you are all just glowing - much love to you all...Aunt Linda

Alice said...

We are so excited to get to see you all. Emma Kate especially enjoyed getting to watch Leah on the videos. Keep posting!

Alice, Matt and Emma Kate

The Horines said...

Love her happy feet! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.