Aine has been soooo close to walking the past couple weeks, and today she finally did it on her own! It was only a few steps, but...she still walked! Of course we're so excited NOW, but once it really sinks in, we'll probably wish she was still crawling :) Look out Leah....
The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another. (Gen 31:49)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Catching Up
We've been so busy getting ready for the move lately that I've neglected to keep up with the blog. So here's my attempt to catch up.
Leah loves dressing up and trying on shoes. Hers, mine, Eric's...doesn't matter. Here she is in her nightgown and my cowboy boots. Oh yeah...that's a look!
Leah's friend, Sydney, had a birthday party a week or so ago, and the cupcakes we just too cute. Becky made chocolate butterflies for each of the cupcakes. They were beautiful AND delicious!

About a month ago we took Aine in our neighbor's pool. It was her first time, and she enjoyed it :)

We had a garage sale on Saturday, so Tracy watched Leah on Friday night. The girls had a blast. Apparently there was a ceremony that we all were unaware of: Leah told me today that she and Katherine were married :) She also thinks that having an anklet on means she's married....
God has been soooo good throughout this move process. We were having a hard time finding a place to stay for the last 6 weeks we'll be in FL, but He brought this townhouse to our attention and we'll be able to rent it for about the same as our mortgage. And this is "season" that's a really good deal!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
A New 'Do
We took Leah to get a haircut today! She looks adorable!!! AND she absolutely loves it. We were even able to donate what she got cut off to Locks of Love :)
Deja Vu
When Leah turned 1, Eric and I picked out our favorite picture from each of her first 12 months. On my way to the park today I realized Aine was dressed in the same exact thing (outfit, hat and shoes!) as Leah had been in one of those pictures! They are even the same age. So of course I had to take a similar picture!
I haven't uploaded the video camera in a while, so there are some recent and old videos below. These are mostly for the grandparents... :) (i.e. they're pretty long and anyone but grandparents might lose interest)
Happy Birthday Princess Leah!
Leah turned 3 over Memorial Day weekend, so we had a birthday party for her on Saturday at the water park/playground on Eglin AFB. Unfortunately, I got food poisoning Friday night and was still a bit out of it for the party, but midway through it I threw up for the last time and felt MUCH better. Then it was as if Eric and I did a high-five: Eric's turn. Eric went right to bed when we got home and was "not well" through mid-Sunday. We were hoping Leah wouldn't get sick, but Saturday night after I put her to bed, she called me in there and threw up while I was laying down with her. Lovely. Thankfully, she only threw up one other time that night and seemed to have the "best" case of food poisoning among the three of us. All that being said, Leah still had a great time at her party and the next day for her actual birthday. After lunch, we took her to Baskin Robbins for some ice cream...which of course had to be pink! This was the "Year of the Princess". Eric says we should have taken out stock in Disney. Leah now has princess: bedding, bike and helmet, coloring books, nightgowns, dress-up gowns and shoes, clothes, bath mat, purse....seriously I don't think there's a princess "thing" they sell that we don't have. It's sad, really. :)
Enjoying her PINK ice cream with gummy worms...(dressed in a princess outfit of course)
Opening her presents at her party. I think Katherine was having as much fun as Leah. It was so cute...she was helping Leah open her gifts :)

I wanted to make Leah a princess cake and after googling a bit, thought a doll cake would be the easiest. I should have taken a picture of it in the freezer, because at this point the icing was a bit melty...oh well. It tasted good though!
I wanted to get a picture of Leah with her cake. She simply would NOT smile for me. This was the best shot I could get.

Leah, Katherine and Sydney enjoying the Doritos...a lot!

Leah, Katherine and Sydney enjoying the Doritos...a lot!
I can't believe it was three years ago that Leah joined our little family. It seems like yesterday, but yet I can't remember life before her! Here's Leah's "zeroth" birthday picture!
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