Monday, October 26, 2009

Cheeks and Chins

Can you tell why I titled the post "cheeks and chins"? :) It's hard to tell, I know! Obviously Aine is growing well and getting big. Leah is still loving her...constantly giving her kisses and hugs. She likes to go into her room in the morning with me and say "good morning Baby Aine". Leah's vocabulary increases daily, and she's always saying something that makes us laugh. 

It was an eventful week: we went to the Baytowne Wharf Beer Festival last weekend. The weather was perfect...just cool enough with enough sun cover.  Eric also had an ORE (Operational Readiness Exercise) at work this week ...he was working from 6 PM until about 1 AM (so all of our schedules and internal clocks were a bit off). Then Tracy had her baby on Thursday...all 9 lbs 10 ozs of her! Then we went to the pumpkin patch this weekend. We let Leah pick out a small pumpkin. She picked out one for herself, Aine, Katherine and baby Libby (Tracy's new addition). She walks around the house with it and insisted on bringing it to church yesterday! "MY baby pumpkin!"

The pumpkin patch had a hay ride. At first Leah was a little hesitant, but fully into it once it got going.
The fam... many to choose from!
She didn't quite understand the concept of throwing the bean bags through the holes and chose to stick her hand through the hole and drop them. She enjoyed it though!
LOVING the bouncy castle...surprise, surprise!
She decided Boo needed a pumpkin.
Sugar kisses...
How nice of Aine to plump up in order to provide her sister a pillow...what a thoughtful baby!

At the Beer Fest...

There was also a Corvette show. LOTS of gorgeous vettes!

Passed out (errr sleeping) on the way home from the beer fest.
"I hold Baby Aine"...
Tracy's new angel, Elizabeth Grace (Libby)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Aine's 3 Month Pictures

Here are the photos we had taken of Aine. The plan was just to take some of Aine to show how she's changing during her first year. We were just going to humor Leah with a few takes...but the one of the both of them was too cute to pass up!

Cloth Diapers

I've converted from disposable diapers to cloth. Many people think I've finally lost it (I think including Eric...hehe), and they might be right! Oh well :) With the exception of rinsing off the poopy diapers, it's not very hard. I have some friends who've done it and just love it....and now I'm starting to understand why.  

Here's a shot of Aine in her first cloth diaper...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week in Review

In Eric's hat...
We joined Tracy and Chris for their squadron's Halloween party. They had a couple craft tables set was a cookie decorating station. Let's just say Leah and Katherine (and Eric) had fun! 

A young girl Lily who helped Leah jump...

Leah and I helping Aine with her "tummy time". Leah's now teaching her how to roll over :)

Eric's little monkey...
Mount Laundry (although this was only 2 of the 3 loads that day)

"put 'em up..."
Leah LOVES her swing!

We went to the portrait studio on Friday to take Aine's pictures. Leah took a detour in the hat department to try one on (it looks fabulous if I do say so myself). 
Then she enjoyed the fan...
She tends to sleep with one but usually both hands up

Chocolate lipstick (Tracy made cupcakes for Katherine's 2nd birthday)
Out like a light. Maybe it's Tracy's cushy belly... :)
Our little thumb sucker...
Bath time:

Watching a little TV with daddy-o