Hi all. We've been pretty busy the last couple weeks. We've decided to move the guest room that was upstairs to downstairs. That way we could use the old guest room for the new baby. It was quite a process. (We had a lot of "stuff" in the downstairs office). But it's finally done, and we really like it! The next project is to get the upstairs bedroom ready.
The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another. (Gen 31:49)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tracy's Birthday
Yesterday was Tracy's birthday, so we watched Katherine last night while she and Chris went to dinner. The girls had a blast! They chased each other around the main level, put together puzzles, played with toys and definitely danced! We had some cake and cupcakes when they got back. It was a really fun evening.
Katherine and Leah put on Tracy's heels and walked around the room! Sadly, Leah walks better in them than I do!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Peanut's Ultrasound Pictures
We had our first dr appt yesterday, and she gave us some ultrasound pictures to take with us. It was magical hearing the heart beating...you can actually see it beating on the screen. It was too cool! The baby measured up right where he/she should be, so they kept my due date where it was (13 Jul). I go back in a month. It's hard not to compare her to Dr Brown (because she was so great and we had such a good experience with her), but we really like the new doctor. It's all in God's hands anyway, and He's always done right by us!! :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009
"Leah's" Nativity Scene
Our next door neighbors have a nativity scene set up in their front yard. Every time we drive home past their house, Leah starts chanting, "baby, baby, baby". She MUST go visit with Baby Jesus. She loves to give the figures hugs and kisses, and even points out to them where their noses and eyes are (in case they were wondering). She tells me, which is the mommy and daddy and (of course) the baby. She also enjoys pointing to the jewels on the wise men's outfits and head pieces.
New Years with Pop-Pop and Nana Kate
Dad and Kate came to stay with us for a couple days and spent New Years with us. It was a great visit, but too short. Leah definitely enjoyed seeing them, and was thrilled to say "Pop-Pop, Pop-Pop, etc" again. She even started saying Nana to Kate. We had a low key New Years: chilled out, drank wine (well not all of us :( , ate snacks for dinner, enjoyed a fire in the fire pit, and stayed up to see the ball drop. Dad, Eric and Kate went golfing the next day while Leah and I caught up on some much-needed sleep! We had another fire New Years day and let Leah stay up a little late to enjoy it. She was completely mesmerized!
Hodge Podge Pictures
Leah loves sleeping with her dolls lately. We go in a check on her before we go to bed and find her hugging her dollies!
My attempt at creativity...spelling her name out in pancakes. Make fun if you will, but it's not as easy as it sounds (at least for me :) )!!
She's upgraded out of her little blue tub and is now in the "big girl" tub. She is having soooo much fun. She splashes her legs, and throws her toys from one side of the tub to the other, and then repeats the process. She's very excited to take her baths and impatiently looks over the ledge as the water fills up.

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